Friday, August 12, 2011


Well here we are and here I am finding myself in a dark place ( for those of you who know me personally you will understand but those dark things will not be mentioned here ), but I also had an epiphany of sorts that just because I am down and dark and sad does not mean the ENTIRE world is also there with me ( as much as I would love the company ). This would look like a scene from Harry Potter with all the Dementors lurking and sucking out the happiness!!!

I want this to be about the funny quirky silly...oh my gosh I want to / need to pee myself that is so funny... kind of spot to make people smile if only for a moment.

So what do we do when we feel sad and blue? Sometimes its as simple as grabbing a cozy companion and recharging the fuel cells. ( This is our 18 week old German Shepherd named Panzer who seems to be my current source of humour as puppies are gross dorks...I will expand on his dorkiness and grossness another time ).

Just remember dogs need cuddles too !!!

Find a smile in something small!!



  1. Great first post! Keep it up!

  2. Nice job! You have a nice voice as a writer, and I am interested to see where this goes....
